Selfish Gene Cafe @ Craig Road {Tanjong Pagar}



Meeting up with an old friend whose company I do sincerely  enjoy, and I hope I always will – Definitely glad that we are still  keeping in touch (:


Lunch Special: Roasted Atlantic Salmon Fillet with Dill Scented Potato & Homemade Slaw @ Selfish Gene Cafe




Anyways, I decided I may not be a Cafe kind of person hmmms…I still prefer proper mains to eggs and toast :l

Can B has a change in its Japanese stall and this time round it is selling hotplates. And I realised its new menu does not have any pork and only 1 Jap curry choice as well. I’ve always been the pork-katsu-curry-don kind of person so I guess the change is not really in my favour.

But I have a craving for Jap curry today so I decide to just try it out. My best option is the curry chicken don though. It seems there is some form of promotion going on now and so the chicken hotplate seems to be the most popular option. And I have got to say it really looks good, and sounds good even with the sizzling.

Yeah, yet I follow my heart and go with my craving.


Curry Chicken Don @ Canteen B, NTU

Sad to say, my craving is not satisfied. I don’t know why, but the Jap curry reminds me of our local chicken curry, just that it’s in Jap style. And it doesn’t help that I am not exactly a fan of chicken when it comes to Jap food. The miso is not much of a consolation as well.

The hotplate chicken fuyong would probably have been a better choice (same price somemore!) :/ So much for following my heart huh





My mom specially bought this atas Prima Taste Laksa Instant Noodles for me to bring over for exchange so I can at least whip up some flavours of home there, but you know what, I had absolutely no confidence in myself to cook these instant noodles properly and still retain the taste of Laksa. That was how serious my lack of faith in my own cooking was.

And so that whole pack of Laksa Instant Noodles flew back with me, untouched.

One day, I finally tried these Laksa Instant Noodles (not cooked by me of course), and omg just as expected, the soup really tasted like some authentic Laksa that we can buy from hawker centres here in Singapore! No wonder this brand has been ranked one of the best instant noodles hahaha! The only disappointing part is how the noodles are maggi mee kind of noodles, and not the thick beehoon which is usually used…

So for the next time my mom cooked this she substituted the noodles and put in some other ingredients we usually see served in Laksa sold outside.

Perhaps not the most perfect Laksa, but definitely very heart-warming 🙂

Oriole Cafe & Bar | Dean & Deluca


Fish and Chips @ Oriole Cafe & Bar, Somerset

This is one of the best fish & chips I have eaten and I really really like it!

I really like fish & chips but whenever I order fish & chips it somehow always ends up to be a mistake. And I thought this would be the case as well so I didn’t exactly hold very high hopes about it, but it turned out to be really good! Guess it’s good to trust the waitress’ recommendations this time!

The serving looks huge first of all, which already pleases me very much (there’s this very satisfying feeling I get when I see very big portions because I can assume straight away I am getting my money’s worth hahaha! superficial I agree xD) I cut a piece of the fish and was delighted to see it is really meaty inside! And it is unlike some other fish&chips I’ve had which has the meat falling apart from the batter, and just crumbles. The potato wedges felt aplenty as well, but what makes the potato wedge as delightful as the fish is the little bits of cheese sprinkled on it which just brings back a little nostalgia from the time I was in Europe, where I was so amazed by and infatuated with all the different types of cheese there are (:


And a dinner meetup is never complete without dessert

Thank you unnies! :3

Checking off my checklist for Orchard

My half-a-day of food adventures in Orchard was spent checking out places that have been on my checklist for quite some time, and hence the title!

Saveur is really one of the classics – for classic, I mean I have known about its existence since a long time ago and have also heard positive reviews from my friends, so I am always trying to find a chance to check it out. I have also always heard about its long queues and its no-reservations policy as well, which are some of the major reasons that prevented me from suggesting it as a meetup place haha so I guess we were pretty lucky to choose a non-peak period to check it out because not only was there no queue, it was also really very empty at that hour we went. “The number of employees was more than the number of customers dining then”, just to put it in perspective! Oh and apparently if you dine at Saveur sometime between 3p.m. and 4.30p.m. on weekdays, there would be a 10% discount (:

The duck confit has become synonymous with Saveur and that is what we tried!


And the duck confit is good and lives up to my expectations! 🙂 I don’t know how to put it, but in my own words, 那鸭肉吃起来没那么骚 (haha which means it is quite unlike the typical duck meat taste)!  The serving is not exactly very huge but I guess that’s just how it is haha but I must say, though the duck confit is not bad, meat dishes like this are not really my thing because I can’t seem to finish up everything very cleanly and entirely heh


And next up would be Gindaco takoyakis! I’ve been missing this since don’t know when, and it’s always so shiok to order a serving of 8 ALL FOR MYSELF! I remember so clearly the last time I had this was 1 year ago, and I always have takoyaki from Gindaco @ ION and nowhere else because in my mind that is the BEST takoyaki I know of in Singapore! And it was my favourite!



Firstly, the location of the store has changed – it is now occupying a much smaller space in ION food hall and there are no longer seats for dining there! 😦


I didn’t notice it at first and it took me a while to realise the pans are automated such that the balls are rolling and rolling by themselves (you see the cooks don’t have to tend to the pans much)! If my memory never fails me, previously the cooks had to constantly flip and roll up each of the takoyakis one by one, and continuously turn to achieve the roundedness, but now it appears that Gindaco is relying automation more in the preparation process! What has happeneddd T_T

Before I took my first bite, I noticed some of my takoyakis were about to crack open. :\ They still contained the same ingredients from what I recall, but it was disappointing to realise that the takoyakis were less crispy and the outer bits felt thinner, like the amount of batter for each ball had been compromised.

I know I won’t be missing this so much anymore.


Supply and Demand was one of the places that popped up when I was researching about food places for meeting up. The location is central and I heard the ambience is good as well.


Carbonara Classico @ Supply & Demand, Orchard Gateway


I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were two kinds of Carbonara to choose from – Carbonara Classico and Carbonara Cremoso. The former would be with white wine whereas the latter would be in a cream base. I secretly like how there was a distinction made. From my Italy trip, I learnt from my friend who is really into cooking and cuisines that the typical good and traditional Carbonara is not supposed to be in a creamy base like how we always see it in Singapore, but rather it should be cooked with egg yolk and kept rather dry – “when you lift up the noodles, there should be little sauce left in the dish”.

I showed my friend the photo of my Carbonara Classico, and apparently it doesn’t seem to have been dry enough to make the cut. Yet, I still enjoyed this Carbonara a lot! Truth be told, though the proper Carbonara should be without much sauce, I personally still prefer my Carbonara to be creamier than the Italy version, and this Classico was not exactly too creamy or too dry so it suited me well. And I could also taste a tinge of white wine in the sauce too. The bacon bits reminded me of bakkwa though hahaha 🙂

I really enjoyed my food a lot – perhaps one day I should come back for its Tiramisu and pizzas ^﹏^

But on a sidenote, I just wanna say though Supply and Demand was designed to be like in a school setting (with beakers and menus like report books etc), I didn’t go there to be lectured by the staff. Though I confess that I was in the wrong, I hope the service staff could have dealt with my mistake in a more professional manner. That’s all~

Of Malacca (Melaka): All for Food 马六甲走起! 

从小到大 随着家人去了马六甲有 N 次 不过这次10月长假期到马六甲是我们第一次根据电视上网上的好介绍认真在马六甲找寻吃的地方 也是第一次专为吃吃吃而到马六甲去!

我阿姨为此真是积极地做了很多功课 我自叹不如 找到的地方我看在这短短的三天两夜之内我们也没全走完呵


第一天刚到 我们就随意地到附近的鸡场街 Jonker Street 走走 离我们住的地方不远 步行几分钟就能到 白天的鸡场街和晚上的不同 白天比较安静 就逛逛小商店 晚上热闹些 多了摆摊做生意的小贩 就像个夜市一样

反正我们这次来是来找吃的 就没多逛 “地理学家咖啡厅 (Geographer Cafe)” 算是我们的第一站 因为它就在鸡场街里 蛮容易找到的

据网上其他博主 这里的椰子东炎汤是强推

这个 rojak 一般般吧 我觉得可能不大符合老一辈人的水准和口味

椰子东炎汤 嗯。。。这个呈现概念不错 挺特别的 只不过我和妹妹从椰子里喝着喝着东炎汤 觉得只是在喝一般的东炎汤 本来以为椰子的甜味会给汤的味道加上一点什么画龙点睛的作用 结果椰子的甜味 我觉得只是游荡在边缘上 真的要非常细腻地去品尝才有可能尝得到

还有就是本来以为有椰子就会有椰肉嘛 但是都刮不到几片 恕我无知 但这是故意选用没有椰肉的椰子吗?

好吧 离开了 Cafe  大家也就慢慢沿着鸡场街走回旅店 走着走着 看到了一家卖糕点之类的小摊位 又驻足买了一些番薯蛋 (Ondeh Ondeh) 哇啊这个和我平常吃的不一样哦 它一颗比较小 放在嘴里 -pop- 一下 里面的 gula melaka 就会流出来 很好吃很有趣哟

然后又吃了Chendol 姑且不论好吃与否 这家的呈现方式就挺有趣的呀 听老板说要等冰大概融了 再放下去它就不会太硬 比较好

所以我老妈就常说 有时都不一定要特别地去找哪一家也别执意说要到哪里哪里吃 就这样走着走着 也会发现新奇有趣的事物或好吃的食物呵

休息过后 晚上我们就去吃这个!

Satay Celup

Satay Celup

马六甲卖沙爹朱律的有无数家吧 所以这必定是我的目标之一! 本来是想慕名到离我们住的地方不远的“万里香”那儿吃 结果也不知道为什么找错了 就上别家吃了

刚开始觉得这概念很新鲜 其实就有点像火锅或吃 Lok Lok 把一串串的食物放进一锅沙爹酱里煮来吃 不过后来吃多了我反而觉得有些腻 也不知道是因为这家水准不是那么高 或者是沙爹朱律的本质如此 总之吃饱后自己感觉不是那么舒服与满足

(On a sidenote 结果我们发现若我们再往下走多一会儿的话 就能找到“万里香“ 了 那里有两家新旧万里香正竞争着 不过两家都有人排着队哦 所以心里虽然觉得有些小可惜 不过同时看到不知要排多久的队 不禁会想 幸好我们吃的那家不用排队)


第二天早上是到附近的咖啡店吃的 食物种类不少 可供选择 食物一般般不过已经很满足了 印象较深的是那一盘炒得略略焦脆的菜头粿! (不过隔天回来再吃却没炒的那么焦了 >_<) 哦哦还有马六甲炒的粿条竟然是放甜酱吃的 wow!


#1 早上想买 Kaya 角来吃 卖 Kaya角的大叔很热情地又免费送上了椰子角 (那一个金字塔形状的) 让我吃 说这是去到马六甲必尝的 当我要付钱时 发现手里只有张10快钱的钞票 大叔有些为难地说 早上太早了 没散钱找给我 就让我先拿着吃的回桌 待会儿再来还钱

#2 妹妹的粥没放酱油 我妈要我拿着一个勺子去向卖粥的大叔讨点酱油 结果他二话不说就把一小罐酱油递给我 让我带回桌

虽然只是些微不足道的小事 不过却让我体会到那种许久未感受到的朴实生活及心态



Nadeje @ Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre, Malacca


下午慕名到 Nadeje 吃千层蛋糕 Mille Crepe (^o^) 总觉得在外头吃蛋糕有点像是年轻人的玩意儿 往往都会和朋友们一起吃 这次第一次和家人一起好好坐下来悠闲地享受下午茶 觉得有点新奇也当然很开心啦 因为可以和我最爱的家人分享我最爱的蛋糕呀~ *v*


Green Tea; Rum & Raisin; Cafe Mocha 😀 @ Nadeje, Malacca

大家都一致认同蛋糕很不错吃哦 这是我第一次吃千层蛋糕 一层层的口感这样也挺不错的 我自己也觉得它们不会很甜  味道十足哟 所以我是很支持很喜欢蛋糕的啦 我想这个对我而言是这次马六甲之旅的亮点咯



话说我们一时兴起也买了这家的马卡龙回去尝尝 以我个人拙见 我觉得这是马卡龙的错误示范吧 两层脆脆的还好 (虽然我觉得应该是又脆又软的那种比较好吧) 不过我以为中间应该吃得到夹心层的 结果似乎根本没吃到 :/


Macarons @ Nadeje, Malacca

哦对于想来这里吃蛋糕的朋友 建议是到  Mahkota Parade Shopping Centre 找到 KFC 后 进入 KFC 到后门去 从后门离开 KFC Nadeje 就在左边 也是排长龙的 分成内用和外带两条队 

晚上我阿姨非得要找到网上介绍的那条在 Jalan Bunga Raya 后巷的 Capitol Seafood 吃 Lala 不可 好吧 现在回想起来 或许是因为她的执著我在“吃”这方面才又有了不错的收获吧

那条后巷其实就在 Madame King Shopping Centre 的旁边 所以找到那家购物中心后就不难找到吃 Lala 的后巷了 那条后巷有两个摊位卖着同样的东西 不过我们主要是为了第二摊而来 (就是进入后巷后 后面那一摊)其实我们早早就到了那里 大概 4点多吧 不过还没开档做生意 看老板在准备还说6点才开始 那我们就傻傻地到别处溜达去了 结果5点半 回到后巷一看 早已站满了人排着长长的队 晕啊 x_x 我们站了一个多小时才终于等到了空位 做下吃东西后才发现大概7点左右人龙似乎也就逐渐减少了 所以 Lesson Learnt – 要不超早来要不就迟一些再过来碰运气 或许就不必等这么久吧 

来到 Jalan Bunga Raya 还有个意外的收获 就是发现了 这个排着长龙的薄饼摊 我妈为了排这个也花了不少时间呀

这摊位其实就在 Madame King Shopping Centre 的前面 不难找到的 因为那条长长的人龙非常之显眼呀 我想这摊卖的薄饼和新加坡吃到的薄饼 最大不同就是 这个薄饼里头放了猪油渣!其实对于从小就被灌输并养成了“不吃猪油渣”习惯的我而言 我并不是特别喜欢这样的薄饼 只不过觉得这种薄饼还算耳目一新吧


Bunga Raya Popiah!

好啦 晚上站着苦等一个多小时后终于吃到的后巷的这些海鲜确实没让人失望呢



一直以来都没什么尝试这些我所谓“大人们”喜欢吃的食物 也不懂得怎么欣赏 不过这次第一次好好尝试了

觉得那盘“四宝烧烤”真不错 还有一直都没什么敢吃的Lala 、螺、淡菜尝了后觉得挺鲜甜的 第一次吃到用火炭烧烤的鱿鱼 也很开心呵呵 还有我阿嫲似乎也对这里的鱿鱼蕹菜感到很满意哦 (:


最后一天 该回家去了 因为种种原因没机会吃到隔壁家的羊肉汤 不过听说是连当地人也觉得不错的哟 希望以后有机会再来吧

回到柔佛吃午餐 又有了另一个意外的收获


第一次看到炸鱼肉是分别放了然后上桌的 觉得真细心而且鱼片米粉也真好吃哦 另外我看大人们吃鱼头驴也吃得很满意的样子呢~




后记:这次连续三天 无节制地 每天一支榴莲口味雪糕 我不禁得感叹:When you get to eat ice-cream everyday, that’s when you know you are on a holiday (: Which totally reminded me of my Italy Trip haha! 而且还是要再说一下 榴莲还是我们一家的最爱呀 每天吃榴莲口味雪糕确实好幸福哦 TvT 


Finally had the chance to get inside CHIJMES to have a look and dine! Have always passed by CHIJMES thinking the architecture looks really cool on the outside and feeling curious at what it holds within

And I have always imagined CHIJMES to be a really expensive place to dine at so I was a little surprised to be able to find Hakata Ikkousha which makes for a relatively budget option!


Ajitama Ramen & Gyoza @ Hakata Ikkousha, CHIJMES

Ehhhh…If I were to make a comparison with the ramen I had earlier in Oct, I thought the soup here was less salty and overwhelming. Like what I read from danielfooddiary, the broth was not particularly memorable. It doesn’t seem to have a lot of toppings, do it? There are only a few pieces of chashyu :/ And I was definitely not full after finishing up the entire bowl this time, unlike the previous time I had ramen elsewhere earlier in Oct (though I’ve got no idea why my friend couldn’t finish her portion haha).

Perhaps this is how working adults like my peers usually wanna chill out, or maybe it’s just because we are at CHIJMES! Anyways today, I feel like a grown up because after-dinner chillouts turned out to be drinks instead of the usual dessert and cakes.


Lychee Mojito @ Here&There, CHIJMES

I was told by one of the staff that mojitos are the bartender’s specialty, so I took the advice and chose one. It left me quite disappointed though, perhaps it did not turn out like what I expected it to be. Thought maybe it could have been better, because the taste of the mint was kinda odd in my personal opinion and the taste of lychee was not that strong. My friend said mine tasted like toothpaste :/ I didn’t feel the toothpaste taste that strongly but I just thought it was a little plain and bland ._. Kay fine, I’m still a noobs at drinks – perhaps I should just stick to something else next time gah *_*

P.S. Taking on the role of a listener in big groups like this could be pretty enjoyable, at least it felt less stressful hmms.

It felt as if we came all the way to The Cathay for The Assembly Ground (perhaps because we spent the longest time there), but what I originally planned for is to check out Kki @ SOTA and Concetto by Saveur @ The Cathay.

I passed by SOTA so many times but this is actually the first time I climbed up that long flight of stairs up into the building. When we reached Kki at about 6.45p.m., the notice that was put up said all the cakes were sold out for the day, which was really such a pity. Fortunately it wasn’t totally a wasted trip because somehow or rather there was still one small piece of white chocolate cake left which I gladly and readily took.


White Chocolate @ Kki, SOTA

It’s soft and it’s sweet, perhaps a little too sweet for me but that’s just how white chocolate is! So I’m not disappointed! In the short while I was there, I felt the place will be somewhere cosy to chill at with all the nice soothing Jap songs playing in the background haha – Definitely coming back to try more of their cakes! 🙂

(On a random sidenote, don’t you think the forks remind you of the teeth of alligators all ready to attack? ^v^)

After that we headed to Concetto and on hindset I was really satisfied with what I ordered because mine came with a lot of sauce and it was really satisfying to finish everything till the last bits.

I can’t say the same for my fellow friends though.


Fruitti di Mare @ Concetto by Saveur, The Cathay

Not exactly “photogenic” like how my friend put it haha but it’s fettuccine with seafood basically – prawns, squid, mussel heh.

And The Assembly Ground was an unexpected addition haha but I have a feeling we somehow ended up there for the Green Tea Latte (: The person who took my order was rather amused when I told him we wanted 5 cups of hot Green Tea Latte.


Truffle Fries @ The Assembly Ground, The Cathay

Truffle fries was…alright – Did not have that much truffle taste as I expected.

But what left the deepest impression today was the Green Tea Latte – Glad that sometimes Life gives us unexpected little surprises like this 🙂


Green Tea Latte @ The Assembly Ground, The Cathay

Once again, glad to have all of you in my life as well – it is really heartwarming :3 And reading all your messages in the card really made me smile from the bottom of my heart ❤


Mama’s Korean Ramen & Kimchi @ Home

This is why I rarely go out for Korean food in Singapore- Look at my mom’s own creation with very generous portion and so much 料! ⊙▽⊙

P.S. Ahhh I wanna go back Korea again so badly! All the Koreannn food! (︶^︶)



Lychee Martini Cake @ Pine Garden’s, Ang Mo Kio Ave 10

今年非常平淡地度过了一天的生日 一如既往地做着一些普通星期二会做的事儿 这才猛然发觉 原来这就是人们所谓 ”生日只不过是普通一天” 的那种感觉

在生日这天感受到了家人朋友们的爱 才又领悟到 不仅是生日当天收到爱 其实每一天的我都感受着大家在身旁默默的爱护 一点一点积累着 我会感恩惜福 (:


And mine was the second last lychee martini hohoho! (; the last one was snatched up just a few min after me!