新加坡市區吃 Good Food!


回到市區,大夥兒分散後,各忙各的。食物選擇多了,價格經濟的午餐不是沒有,只不過總感覺好不容易回到市區了,應該犒賞自己一下。原本自己對自己說就待到星期五,好好吃上個 Good Food Friday 吧! 怎知一不小心就是 Good Food EVERYDAY 了~



獨立式咖啡廳 The Providore 在 Raffles Place地铁站附近是显眼的, 一直不晓得那里原来也有主食。 5人中4个人就点了同样的螃蟹意大利面呵呵~ 沒吃過這種 aglio olio style,所以對我來說挺新奇的,重點是蟹肉也給了很多很多呀! (開心)


網民讚賞的 Park Bench Deli 三明治, 價格是偏高的 (我點的就要價$17了喲) 不過真的挺不錯的。點的是 Cubano 基本上就是 Pulled Pork Sandwich! 麵包熱烘烘且脆脆的,掰開一半來還看到一絲絲 Cheese (莫名開心),吃完全部後是超。級。飽。



想念在舊公司大樓時,只要走幾步路就能找到很多經濟實惠價廉又物美的午餐咯~ 所以這天也任性地走回到從前熟悉的街道。從前就聽說過 Burger Joint 這家漢堡店位於巷子里很低調的一處,門口也沒顯示店名,所以走過路過很容易就錯過了。唯一的告示牌就是牆上的一個螢光漢堡,指引入口的位置。店裡面氣氛是不錯的,推薦的漢堡也都是牛肉排的。雖然不是強打,不過也有 Beefless 的漢堡,所以對於不吃牛肉的人而言還是有別的選擇的,就像我吃的就是Portobello Cheese!

插個題外話,每次吃漢堡一定會想起幾年前在柏林,帶著大夥兒到一家很有名的漢堡店,發現那里幾乎只賣牛肉漢堡。帶著最後一絲希望問了店員,有沒有非牛肉的漢堡,結果他一臉的不耐煩,且嘲諷地回答 “It’s a burger!” 好吧最後只能無奈買了那家唯一非牛肉的漢堡,基本上就是兩片麵包夾著菜和豆干。。。



前一天還感嘆着新公司大樓附近不比前公司大樓那麼多有趣的選擇,這天就發現有新店剛開幕了! WaaCow 主打牛肉飯 當然不吃牛肉的我們也有三文魚飯可以選擇哦 而且是明太子三文魚 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 價格雖然偏高,不過個人覺得份量給的還是挺足的,而且也不錯吃呢! 這家在Raffles Place 和 NUS 也有分行!


一星期最後一天的午餐就在公司樓下一家日本餐廳 Kazu 享用咯~其中一個入口稍微隱密了一些,不過把門滑開,裡面就有種很zen的感覺 點了一套 $30++ 的Bara Chirashi Lunch Set,套餐不只有主食 Bara Chirashi Don,還包了沙拉前菜,Chanwamushi,以及飯後兩塊麻糬甜點哦!

本人自認井底之蛙,感覺是第一次看到有很多不同種類的新鮮生魚滿滿覆蓋在飯上! 分不清裡面究竟是有幾種或有什麼生魚,不過自己记忆中吃其他較為普通的Bara Chirashi,似乎都不常吃到這類生魚,所以感觉就是很新鮮!


這星期每天都能大快朵颐地吃上好吃丰盛的午餐,好開心! 感谢这一星期共享奢侈午餐的你们(不介意价钱)一起陪我吃了好多好多哈哈哈 😁😁😁

Fresh new year calls for a fresh new start. Imma gonna start the new year right by caring for those who matter and caring for what I should be caring for, like my interests, my hobbies, my writing, my food experiences.

Travelling for me has now taken on a whole new meaning of experiencing the local food there, and as I grew to realise how unlucky I could get with weathers and scenery, I also concluded that a great dining experience never fails to excite me (:

I’ve got so much I want to share and I can’t wait to break out of my hiatus. But my laptop’s burning up and my lovely photos are still in my cam, and to be honest, I am so shagged out by work to do up something. So here’s just a short one, to remind myself to focus on what is worth it in life (: Happy 2016!

Aston’s @ Sixth Ave


很久以前曾在高中時來過這裡吃過Aston’s 不大記得是和誰了 不過在這附近上了6年的學 我竟然就只來過一次

多年後各種機緣巧合又來到了這間Aston’s 碰巧發現 I just made it for my last Aston’s meal here at Sixth Avenue.

儘管之前在這裡也沒留下很多回憶 但還是讓人不勝唏噓 這裡也快變了 就像 KAP 那樣沒有了 將成為回憶 化為曾經

Bijin Men @ Tsukada Nojo, Plaza Singapura | Dulcet & Studio @ Liang Court, Clarke Quay

On my first visit to Tsukada Nojo for the Bijin Nabe, its Bijin Men had already made its way onto my To-Try List! It is only available during lunchtime, and I didn’t have to wait for long before I would get the chance to try it!

IMG_20150307_143239It offers 4 soup bases to choose from and I picked the spicy one. From what I understand, the soup base is like the collagen soup base we have for Bijin Nabe, just that they vary the flavour accordingly.

Also tried the main and desserts at Dulcet & Studio for the day as well!

Personally felt that the desserts are better than the main, though it is still a pity that the cakes weren’t particularly impressive or memorable for me as well :/

Ju Shin Jung & Jung Go Bing, Guillemard Road {Mountbatten}

We didn’t exactly plan to come here – we chose this dinner place because it is in close proximity to our main target that we’ve wanted to try since ages ago; unfortunately we were out of luck that day, but dinner has to carry on. I have to say I wasn’t that excited about dining here, because 1) It’s a Korean restaurant, 2) From what I googled, its specialty is Korean BBQ, and 3) My friend cautioned that it will be pricey. 😦


Nothing against Korean food and Korean restaurants really – In fact I LOVE KOREAN FOOD AND I MISS ALL THE AWESOME KOREAN FOOD IN KOREA! I just feel that the prices of Korean food here are much more expensive than that in Korea, so the thought of having to pay more for Korean food which may not be as authentic as that in Korea or for something my mom could possibly replicate in much larger portions just diminishes the appeal of having Korean food while dining out here. And it is a pity to realise that Korean BBQ is not exactly my thing either, because I can’t appreciate meat as much as my sister can!

Yet very surprisingly, these negative sentiments I harboured initially were totally turned around at the end of dinner! Firstly, I was sooo glad that we are not having Korean BBQ, instead we got Hot Plate to share!

Yayyay and the banchan was AWESOME! I LOVE ALL THE BANCHAN THEY HAVE! I wish my tummy has the space for me to get refills for ALL the banchan – that’s how much I liked it and how excited I was! Wheeee!

Was so full I almost thought I couldn’t finish dessert but NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWERS OF THE DESSERT STOMACH! 8D After the dinner, we just popped over to their dessert section right behind and with the receipt from Ju Shin Jung we were able to get 10% discount on our bingsu! (:

Can’t wait to bring my family here again to share the joyyyy! ((;

天津馮記 Tian Jin Fong Kee @ Chinatown



我記得姑姑曾經帶我到這家位於牛車水的餐館吃過它們家的年糕 覺得還不錯

這次到了牛車水 想找回當時的味道 就買了這些嚐嚐 只不過這次我是在它們位於小販中心的攤位買的

卻不像我記憶中的味道 或許在餐館和在小販中心的還是有差別吧

Valentines’ Day <3


Popeyes Fried Chicken & Beer – Perfect Combination haha!


多年以後 回首當年 我會記得年少時候有那麼一年的情人節 我們一起吃吃喝喝玩玩鬧鬧…

… 就這樣慶祝單身自由萬歲哈哈哈

Happy Valentines’ Day! 

Menzo Butao @ Marina Square Shopping Mall


It’s Friday the Thirteenth, and I am all tired out and sianz after a long day 😐


Spicy Cha Shu Ramen

I didn’t expect myself to have ramen today and I’ve never heard of this ramen place before but somehow it exceeded my expectations! Maybe my expectations had been low to begin with haha! Though the egg isn’t runny enough, the spicy soup base is quite flavourful which makes my lousy day a bit better.

And It’s really great to hear my friend say she likes meeting up with old friends like that – I can’t help but smile because me too (:

49 Seats @ Orchard Central

My lil sis is more mature than I am that day and can take things in stride much better than I do, so I gave her a dinner treat to satisfy her constant craving for meat ~_~

Strangely enough, 49 Seats has never been on my radar – I thought it should have been! I only knew about it until I heard from my friend who tried it recently and felt the food is quite overrated. Despite that, Tom Yum pasta sounds so cool and interesting that I thought I should just try it for myself anyways!

It came in a metal plate, reminding me of something from a hawker centre. On first glance, it is a bit disappointing because the portion looks small.


Tom Yum Seafood Pasta @ 49 Seats


Nonetheless, my first taste of the sauce makes up for the portion size. I like how I can taste the Tom Yum in the sauce which makes it super flavourful and shiok! I am someone who adore cheesy, creamy carbonara pasta so I thought this creamy Tom Yum sauce was exactly the thing for me! It was true for my first few mouthful, but somehow it got quite cloy towards the end as I felt it getting creamier and also spicier. No regrets for trying still  – it wasn’t as bad as how my friend made it sound like haha.

I thought my sis’ Cheesy Chicken Chop was not bad! For someone like me who doesn’t appreciate chicken chop that much, this suits my taste quite okay – perhaps the cheese helps heh (:


Tong Ah Eating House @ Keong Saik Road, Outram Park | Tsujiri @ 100AM, Tanjong Pagar

Going back to Tong Ah Eating House brings back memories of that time we had our last dinner together during internship times. It was previously located at this iconic building but has now moved to the street opposite.

I quite liked my experience the first time I dined there and I remembered I chose that dinnerplace for the interesting dishes they have! They still have them now but I’m not sure why Tong Ah is not appearing in my google search results for best tze char places to try in Singapore. Instead I see Kok Sen, which is along Keong Saik Road as well but diagonally opposite Tong Ah, coming up in my search results more often!

带子卷真的感觉很特别 让我想起蛋饼 虽然里边只夹着一片带子不过还夹了脆脆的马蹄和我喜欢的肉松还是没让我失望的  老板极力介绍只能在这里吃到的甘香鸡也很不错最后一块吃到鸡胸肉超开心  家乡豆腐上的料除了肉碎还有其他惊喜  第一次吃的元蹄意外地还符合我的口味  蒙古虾很好下饭  最后炒的菜没吃到多少不过看同伴们秒杀应该也是不错的 总之点厨师介绍的招牌菜准没错 (Y)

或许我还是个怀旧的人吧 个人总觉得以前的带子卷还是好吃些感觉饱满结实些 不过如果有机会能带带外国朋友来这里走走看看吃吃这里的煮炒也挺不错的


Tsujiri has never been my priority though I did hear about it quite a few times. The matcha taste is indeed strong and perhaps that is why my friends all seem to like it. I concluded I am still more of a cake person, though I get the feeling that the matcha cake here is not as awesome as the icecream hmms



有时候别想太多 就走走停停吃吃喝喝听听说说 就可以了 对于充满着一大堆问号的人生 再多想也只不过是让自己沦陷于悲伤失落的大漩涡里而喘不过气来 就如朋友所说的 所有的问号或许之得在人生的尽头才得一解答 不无道理 冷暖自知 只希望在划上句点之前 对自己对家人对朋友对周围的人 可以少一些如果 少一些遗憾